Flag Status

Flag status and half-staff notifications for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Flags are flying at full staff.

Information About Flag Protocol

The decision to fly flags at half-staff ultimately rests with the Governor and is normally carried out by the Superintendent.

The Bureau of the State House notifies other state-managed facilities in Massachusetts of this decision. This notification is distributed by way of email.

If you would like to be added to this list, please send a blank email to subscribe-bsb-halfstaffnotification@listserv.state.ma.us.

Requests for multiple addresses to be added can be sent to the State House Events Coordinator at sh.events@state.ma.us. Include "Subscribe to Half-Staff Notifications" in the subject line and list each email address on a separate line in the body of the email.

Contact   for Flag Status


(617) 727-7700


24 Beacon St., Room 1, Boston, MA 02108

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