Fairhaven 2040 Master Plan Information

Your Town, Your Future!!!

What is Fairhaven's community vision for the town's character and future development? ~ How do we achieve it? ~ Fairhaven 2040 is a one year public process to develop a Town-wide Master Plan that will answer:

  • Where is Fairhaven now?
  • Where do we want Fairhaven to be in the next twenty years?
  • How does Fairhaven get to where we want it to be?

We're planning now for what we want Fairhaven to be in twenty years for ourselves and future generations.

Under the direction of the Planning Board and management of the Department of Planning & Economic Development, Fairhaven 2040 will set forth a vision for planning and development in the town over the next two decades, and describe goals and implementation methods to achieve it. The Master Plan will be adopted by the Fairhaven Planning Board, accepted by the Board of Selectmen and endorsed by Town Meeting over the next 18-24 months. You may view more information about Fairhaven 2040 here.

Plan Overview

Fairhaven 2040 will guide policy makers in making land use and development decisions for the Town over the next twenty years. Through this plan town officials will work cooperatively with residents, property owners, businesses, and other stakeholders to achieve the town's vision for a variety of important issues: regulation of new development and neighborhood character, economic development, environmental quality, transportation, fiscal resources, public facilities / services, historic heritage and open spaces.

Fairhaven 2040 will address ten topics:

  • Land Use and Neighborhood Character
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Natural, Historic and Cultural Resources
  • Open Space and Recreation
  • Public Services and Facilities
  • Transportation and Circulation
  • Sustainability
  • Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Resiliency
  • Implementation

Fairhaven 2040 will explore issues surrounding each of these topics and propose strategies and objectives to guide development decisions affecting each one. Fairhaven 2040 will be an open, flexible document that will require regular review and updates to remain relevant as conditions in and around Fairhaven change.

More Information

This page has been set up to provide an overview of Fairhaven and the public process leading to its development, and the detailed information about the plan and its individual elements. Here you can access the plan in electronic and downloadable formats as it evolves; gain a deeper understanding of Fairhaven's planning and development issues by viewing maps, tables, and other data elements; and provide crucial feedback to the Department of Planning & Economic Development, Planning Board, and plan consultants.