Assessors Certification Review FY22


The Town of Fairhaven is up for its five-year Certification Review in FY22 by the Division of Local Services (DLS), Department of Revenue/Bureau of Land Assessment (DOR/BLA) in collaboration with the Assessors Department and the Centralized Assessment Management System (CAMA).

The Town’s last Certification Process was completed in 2017. The Division of Local Services through the Bureau of Local Assessment, reviews local assessing  practices every five years and certifies that the assessments reflect fair cash value. (G.L. c.  40, § 56; c. 58, § 1A; c. 59, § 2A (c)).  

The “Five-year Certification Process” consists of, but is not limited to, a data quality review, a statistical ratio studies review, and a valuation review to ensure that proper appraisal methodology was utilized while uniformly and equitably applied to all property. The Bureau of Local Assessment certifies the current fair cash values. Assessed valuations in the intervening four years must also reflect current market value, but they are not certified by the Department of Revenue. 

At the end of each certification a directive is submitted by the Division of Local Services/Department of Revenue on areas that need improvement after their review. 

The Town Assessor wants to be sure that the residents of Fairhaven are aware of the upcoming certification before the new tax rate comes out in November or December. 

Property owners are asked to look at your property record cards from the Assessors Department, and if you have a question on the assessed value, schedule a meeting with the Assessor to review your property record card in the office or by phone. 

Contact the Assessors Department and ask for a copy of your property card and schedule an appointment to review your property card. Call 508-979-4023 ext. 5 to reach the Assessors Department.