DRAFT of New Waterways Rules & Regulations


This is a DRAFT of the proposed new Waterway Rules & Regulations for public review.  The Marine Resources Advisory Committee is inviting public comment at their next meeting which will be held on March 10, 2021 at 6:00 pm. This document will be presented at the next Town Meeting.  Foth Engineering, who helped create this document with the Marine Resources Department will also be joining. Due to the pandemic rules, the public is not allowed be in person at the Town Hall, but can log on via Zoom in order to join the meeting.  Zoom information will be provided on the agenda once it is posted.

We are requesting that you submit your comments / questions via email ahead of time so that time is not an issue during the meeting and the committee can research the answers in advance.  The email can be sent to Sheri Souza at ssouza@fairhaven-ma.gov or any of the Marine Resources Committee by Monday, 3/8/21.  If you do not have access to email, your questions / comments can also be dropped off at the Town Hall to Sheri in the Selectmen's Office via letter form.  

Thank you!