Current Filings

Legal notices are posted in the Fairhaven Neighborhood News at least 5 business days prior to the public hearing. 

Copies of any of the below applications may be examined at the Conservation Office, located in Town Hall, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719, between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

Currently updating current filings for the August 5, 2024 Public Hearing 

Cease and Desists 

SE 023-1341, CON 023-194: North Street, Map 15, Lot 43

Enforcement Orders

EO 023-022: 344-346 New Boston Road, Map 40, Lots 23B & 23C 

Certificates of Compliance

SE 023-1333, CON 023-181: 18 Point Street, Map 28B, Lot 207  Continued to August 5, 2024 

18 Point Street OOC 


SE 023-1392, CON 023-300: 83 Pleasant Street, Map 8, Lot 94 - Request to Amend the Order of Conditions issued October 5, 2022 filed by M.L. Lewis of   Atlas Tack Corporation (TetaTech) to request a modification to the NHESP determination and that Special Condition A-8 be included in the OOC, so that the MCP/MassDEP requirements shall be met. Site contains Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) Zone AE-7 and Bordering Vegetated Wetland/ Freshwater Wetland at Assessor’s Map 8, Lot 94.


SE 023-1428, CON 023-368: 43 Reservation Road, Map 29A, Lot 351 Continued to August 5, 2024

43 Reservation Road OOC 


SE 023-1347, CON 023-210: 1 Boulder Court - COC Continued to August 5, 2024

SE 023-1347, CON 023-210: 1 Boulder Court - Order of Conditions


Current Filings: Notices of Intent, Resource Area Delineations & Requests for Determination

SE 023-1391, CON 023-291: Bridge Street, Map 36, Lot 15J  - Notice of Intent filed by Fairhaven Properties, LLC for proposed redevelopment work located at Map 36, Lot 15J, Bridge Street. Fairhaven Properties proposes to redevelop the site into a two-building self-storage facility. Development includes landscaping, as well as stormwater and utility infrastructure improvements. A portion of the proposed work is located within 100 feet of a wetland resource area, previously delineated and approved under an Order of Resource Area Determination (ORAD), issued in January 2022. (Continued to August 5, 2024)

General Plan and Development Comments 

SITEC - Response to GCG review 


SE 023-1423, CON 023-364: Bridge Street, Map 30A, Lot 87 & 87A - Notice of Intent filed by Carricorp Industries, Ltd. proposing a 5,850-sf commercial style building. A driveway and parking lot with approximately 34 parking spaces to service the proposed building. Stormwater from all proposed paved areas will be collected by deep sump catch basins sent to a subsurface infiltration system. Other proposed utilities include  municipal water and sewer and an enclosed dumpster with pad. Work to take place at Assessor’s Map 30A, Lots 87 & 87A. (Continued to August 5, 2024) 

Bridge Street - Variance Request 

Bridge Street - Nasketucket River Status 

Bridge Street - Drainage Report REV 4-9-2

GCG Stormwater Peer Review 

Bridge Street Traffic Impact Study

Zenith's responses to Commission questions

Zenith's Stormwater Management Review June 2024 

Zenith Responses to June 24, 2024 site visit regarding replication area 


CON 023-372: 29 Silver Shell Beach Drive, Map 41, Lot 54 - Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Joyce Lopes to install 120 feet of FEMA compliant shadow box fencing along the south property line, consisting of approximately 15 cemented posts and 6 inches off the ground. Work to take place in Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) and the 100-foot Buffer Zone to Coastal Dune at the property located at Assessor’s Map 41, Lot 54. 


SE 023-1436, CON 023-390: 6 Emerson Avenue - After-the-Fact Notice of Intent filed by Natalie Reis to install roof drain system, landscaping, stairs with associated walkway. This NOI also includes items that were completed beyond the scope of a prior NOI including an increased patio size, increased breezeway, 6'x6' bump out, enclosed outdoor shower, capping of stonewalls, construction of an outdoor fireplace, material and grade change adjacent to garage and house and change in area of artificial turf. (Continued to August 5, 2024) 

6 Emerson Ave. - Pinebrooke Consulting proposal/Cost Estimate for Wetland Review

6 Emerson Avenue - Peer Review Report 7-24-2024


SE 023-1453, CON 023-408: 29 Nakata Avenue - Notice of Intent filed by Omar Halabi for demolition and removal of an existing dwelling and construction of a new flood zone compliant single-family dwelling, along with an after-the-fact filing for a concrete patio. Work to take place with FEMA Flood Zone (El.20’) at Assessors’ Map 43, Lot 119. Continued to August 5, 2024 


SE 023-__, CON 023-412: 21 Goulart Memorial Drive - Notice of Intent filed by Jayne Lynch to deposit sand disturbed by a storm and place back on the beach; place crushed shell on the driveway and place 165 ft. of dune fencing adjacent to the driveway on the southeast side of the driveway. Work to take place at Assessor’s Map 42, Lot 22. Continued to August 5, 2024 

21 Goulart Memorial Drive - Variance Request 


SE 023-1464, CON 023-424: 23 Eaton Road, Map 29B, Lot 110 - Notice of Intent filed by Michael & Hayden Linley to raze existing house and construct a new residence on FEMA Flood Zone compliant foundation, sewer & water connections and associated site work. Work to take place within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage and FEMA Flood Zone VE (El. 20’) at Assessor’s Map 29B, Lot 110. Continued to August 5, 2024

23 Eaton Road NOI revisions


SE 023-1461, CON 023-425: 60 Highland Avenue, Map 28A, Lot 164 & 165 - Notice of Intent filed by Stan Feck to construct a single-family dwelling on a pile foundation within the Buffer Zone to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland and within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage. The house will be serviced with municipal water and sewer at Assessor’s Map 28A, Lot 164 & 165. Continued to August 5, 2024


SE 023-1462, CON 023-430: 25 Shore Drive, Map 29C, Lot 615 & 616 - Notice of Intent filed by Young Family Trust to construct a single-family dwelling with a 10’ wide crushed shell driveway on the westerly side of the house and install a shadow box privacy fence along a portion of the northerly property line. Work to take place within FEMA Flood Zone VE (El.17’) at Assessor’s Map 29C, Lots 615 & 616. Continued to August 5, 2024


SE 023-__, CON 023-387: 251 Sconticut Neck Road, Map 29, Lot 32 - Notice of Intent filed by Robert Faria for an after-the-fact shed within FEMA Flood Zone AE (EL.16’) located at Assessor’s Map 29, Lot 032. - waiting on application revisions 


SE 023-__, CON 023-438: 3 North Street, Map 15, Lot 43 - Notice of Intent filed by Lee Miguel to install fence along the property line along the discontinued Cooke Street to match the existing fence along property line; stockade fence with 6-inch gap beneath on north and south property line, with a maximum height of 48” adjacent to the road (approximately 16’ from the curb). Work to take place within the Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands at Assessor’s Map 15, Lot 43. Continued from July 1, 2024


CON 023-439: 120 Balsam Street, Map 43A, Lot 23 - Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Sarah DeWalt to replace broken concrete steps with 54” deep by 72” wide, 6” deep concrete pad. Attach 54” deep by 72” wide mahogany deck 8" off pad to create a landing /step to front door. Will use removed stones from under old steps to build an extension to existing wall. Work to take placeLand Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) VE (El. 19’) at Assessor’s Map 43A, Lot 23. NEW to be heard August 5, 2024 


CON 023-440: 8 Nelson Avenue, Map 43, Lot 29 - Request for Determination of Applicability filed by William Oberacker to repair apron adjacent to existing concrete revetment. Work to take place in Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) within Flood Zone VE (El. 18’) at Assessor’s Map 43, Lot 29.  NEW to be heard August 5, 2024


CON 023-441: 148 Main Street, Map 12, Lot 12A - Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Diane Tomassetti to (1) install 27 linear feet of 4’ high, 4’ wide, aluminum 3-rail pedestrian gate; (2) install a 12’ double 4-rail estate gate and; (3) remove a portion of the asphalt driveway and replace with grass. Work to take place at Assessor’s Map 12, Lot 12A. NEW to be heard August 5, 2024 


SE 023-___, CON 023-442: 1 Stetson Avenue, Map 2, Lots 256, 261, 262, 263 - Notice of Intent filed by Wendy Drumm to remove a row of boulders, landscape timbers, fences, and a garden/utility shed for the purposes of constructing a sloped stone rip-rap revetment to mitigate erosion. The property falls within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage, Flood Zones VE (El. 15 & 18) and the site contains a Coastal Bank and Coastal Beach along its southeasterly side at Assessor’s Map 2, Lots 256, 261, 262 & 263. NEW to be heard August 5, 2024 


CON 023-443: 30 Shaw’s Cove Road, Map 30, Lots 45 & 45A - Request for Determination of Applicability filed by George Ayoub to replace failing septic system; all work including grading, loaming, and seeding will be done at a distance greater than 50’ away from wetland line. The nearest distance from the proposed leaching field to the edge of the wetland is 71.7’. Work to take place at Assessor’s Map 30, Lots 45 & 45A. New to be heard August 5, 2024 


SE 023-___, CON 023-444: 80 Fort Street, Map 5, Lot 9 - Notice of Intent filed by Francis and Amanda Grueter to construct a mechanical boat lift system and private Residential Pier Facility. The installation will require four (4) – 12” diameter timber piles driven by a crane set on a barge operating in a minimum of 3’ of water at low tide. The property contains Coastal Bank (top of vertical seawall), Coastal Beach, Land Under Ocean and Land Containing Shellfish along the Westerly shoreline. The westerly portion (where work proposed) falls within Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage, Flood Zone AE (El. 6) at Assessor’s Map 5, Lot 9. NEW to be heard August 5, 2024 


SE 023-___, CON 023-445: 62 Maitland Street, Map 22B, Lot 75A - Notice of Intent filed by Gail Rebello to construct garage addition with in-law apartment and pool with patio and fence within 100 feet to an offsite Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) at Assessor’s Map 22B, Lot 75A. NEW to be heard August 5, 2024 

Tree Care Assessment 


SE 023-___, CON 023-446: 42 Water Street, Map 9, Lot 2A - Notice of Intent filed by Warren Alexander of E & W Properties LLC proposing to remove a metal frame and asphalt from the east end of the barge and repair 65-LF of wooden bulkhead. Work to take place in Land Under the Ocean at Assessor’s Map 9, Lot 2A. NEW to be heard August 5, 2024

42 Water Street - NOI section 3 - Map References & 4 - Abutter Notification 


 SE 023-___, CON 023-447: 4 Washington Street, Map 9, Lot 2 - Notice of Intent filed by R.C.P. Realty, LLC to demolish and remove building foundation and first floor concrete slab; applicant proposes to grade the area to match existing grades and provide a gravel surface. Property located in Buffer Zone (Designated Port Area) and Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage at Assessor’s Map 9, Lot 2.

4 Washington Street - Checklist for Stormwater Report 

4 Washington Street - Construction Period Pollutioin Prevention and Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan 


CON 023-448: 4 James Street, Map 2, lot 140 - Request for Determination of Applicability to install/replace 120 feet of FEMA compliant fence along the property boundary and propose 600 square feet of gravel driveway. Work to take place in Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (LSCSF) within Flood Zone VE (15’) at Assessor’s Map 2, Lot 140.


SE 023-__, CON 023-449: 0 Frederick Avenue, Map 29A, Lots 151-152 - Notice of Intent filed by Michael Livingstone to construct a 38’x38’ single-family dwelling with a 272 square foot cantilever deck and an additional 70 square foot cantilever deck on the subject parcel. The property is located within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to a Bordering Vegetated Wetland (BVW) and FEMA Flood Zone VE (El.16’) at Assessor’s MAP 29a, Lots 151-152. August 19, 2024 

Frederick Avenue - NOI Supplemental Information 

Completed Filings